

Sofia, June 21, 2010
Prime Minister of Bulgaria
Minister of Interior
American Bar Association
State Department of  the U.S.A.
Amnesty International
Ambassadors of the Member States
the European Union, Switzerland  and the U.S.A.

Attemmpt on the life of Political Prisoner No.1-Prof.Ianko N. Iankov
Prof. Ianko N. Iankov , declared 25 years ago by "Amnesty International" as a POLITICAL PRISONER № 1 of communism in Bulgaria, was attacked in broad daylight in 15 pm, Monday, June 21, 2010, by two unknown men at the sidewalk in front of  the Metropolitan Courthouse and broke his right arm in several places.
The famous lawyer, university professor, law defender, fighter for civil rights, an uncompromising opponent of the mafia occupying Bulgarian state,  and talented scientist with more than 50 published books, has become obvious thorn in the eyes of former present secret services as to chop the life and health of him in few meters from the entrance of the symbol of the Third state power (the legal power).
Prof.Ianko N. Iankov has repeatedly warning the Bulgarian and foreign institutions regarding the  threats against him and his family, but did not receive any policy response. Reply-stabbing came as a semantic message from the mafia, for which the Bulgarian state is a low  level unit.
We do not turn to the Bulgarian authorities - they are hostage to the mafia. We ask the above Western institutions: ‘- Were you sincere, when quarter-century ago took a stand in defense of Political Prisoner № 1 of communism in Bulgaria? Or you defended him only by a short term considerations? ‘
We would believe in your sincerity, if you stand now in defense of uncompromising fighter for civil rights against the Mafia Prof.Ianko N. Iankov and his family.
If you conceal now (as the Bulgarian authorities) – we will assume that and then you were not sincere.
Union of  Lawyers Democrats in Bulgaria

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